Mentoring &

It’s about You, Your & Our Future ...

What we offer as mentors to (future) leaders is:

1. Being encouraged and empowered in personal development

2. Being helped to identify and achieve career goals, and gaps in generic skills and knowledge and getting a broader perspective on career options and opportunities

3. Improving a healthy life-work balance, self-esteem, and confidence

4. Increasing productivity and better time management (and often higher salaries (collateral benefit)

5. Being inspired and supported to contribute to the bigger goals of the world and build networks

We will work with you, rather than for you. Together we will define goals, a period to achieve the goals, and define the input required.

The mentoring service is based on the life-long learning of our mentors. Gerard Klein Essink is one of them. He would love to share his experiences based on your needs and wants.